Friday 3 July 2015

SMILE----- It is Sunnah :)

This one is for a very very special junior Sidrah Jutt :) Whose loveliest smile gave me the idea to write on this topic!!!

Sometimes SMILE is the best answer.... The smile of a child can wipe your worries in an instant.. yes! that's how powerful it is. Instead of arguing just smile back and it will kill your enemy. 
Smile!! It will make you look beautiful!! 

"We shall never know all the good that a simple smile can do" 
Mother Teresa

Smile is the most powerful emotion which is used to express the happiness and satisfaction of heart. Bring smile to other faces and it shall never leave yours. It enlightens your face. It brightens up your day. We should try to make others happy and stay happy ourselves too. Smile and others will feel free to converse.

Life is too short to mourn ... So just thank Allah for what you have and be contented, .. Prophet (PBUH) said 
"When you smile to your brother's face, it is charity"
From this saying we can get the idea that how important this expression is from the religious point of view. Also it is ethical to smile when you meet someone or present other with some gift or food.

SMILE because you will die either way! So, let the other people remember your smiling face instead of freckled forehead!!